Facilitation Supercards

Glass orb with facilitation supercards
Facilitation Supercards are the brainchild of Lisette Sutherland who curates the extremely useful collaborationsuperpowers.com site. They are easy to use flashcards to convey simple messages in a meeting. This includes many of the messages that are endemic in virtual meetings.

Such cards make it easy for facilitators to: 1. Sense the mood of the meeting; 2. Moderate simple exercises; and 3. Subtly influence and control the overall process.

Lisette has made them available as card decks (which is a great way of introducing them). And as free resources you can download and adapt to your own use.

For example, I have a set installed as a picture gallery on my phone. This enables me to quickly see which one I want (gallery view) and then tap it to display.

Virtual Webcam Based Facilitation Supercards

However, a new opportunity has been presented by our work on virtual flipcharts. The open-source software we use to support these (OBS) makes flashcards really easy. As a result, we now provide them (with Lisette’s kind permission) as a Virtual Flipchart deck.

Track your progress to ensure the efficacy of this strategy.