Creating a Virtual Spiritual Retreat

Virtual Spiritual Retreat Image of Seat overlooking a cross on a hill
Most of us are blessed with so many beautiful places where we can can go and gaze, and wonder, and connect with something much bigger than ourselves and our own existence. Places where generations before us have done the same thing, and where the sense of them pervades. And where that makes it somehow easier to lose ourselves into the infinite.
And doing this on a guided retreat, in the company of others, can magnify and deepen the experience. It can take you to places you were not expecting, and connect you with parts of yourself that are a revelation. It can lift you up, and ready you for the next part of your life.
But doing this in community has suddenly got a lot more difficult. Gathering in a large group has big health risks, and in many places is not permissible. So how now do we do this? Is a virtual spiritual retreat even possible, let alone desireable? Is not an 8 hour zoom call the exact antithesis of a spiritual experience?

more than just zoom

Well, to be fair, it was more than a zoom call. But the result for many of the 24 attendees at our virtual spiritual retreat was among the best retreats they had experienced. Which, to be frank, surprised everybody, including the organisers.
As a result, we have created a story of what happened to enable people to recreate a virtual spiritual retreat for themselves. You can get all you need in our article: Creating Online Spaces for Spiritual Retreat

Useful links:

About the Meeting Toolchest blog: We have recently rearranged to Toolchest Blog for a number of reasons. Firstly, we wanted to reflect a greater volume of relevant content. And we wanted to include content from a wider range of sources. Secondly, we wanted to make blog items short and pithy. In this way we wanted to convey an overall sense of key developments without bogging people down in detail. Although, we do provide greater detail in our Articles section, and through external links. Thirdly, we wanted a means to more easily engage people. And we wanted something that could be easily shared via social media.
We want to increase people’s familiarity with developments in virtual meetings. In this way, we hope that it is more likely that they will try things out. And as a result, they will increase the quality and participation in their own meetings. We hope this will generate happier and more effective work places, and a reduction in workplace stress.
If you have a moment. And, if you felt this item was of value. Please help us in our quest by sharing it with others.
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