There isn’t really much call for including countdown timers in social media except for posts that are about quizzes, puzzles or challenges. Countdown timers can be helpful in things where you want to add in a dimension of time to make the challenge more difficult, raise the energy, or keep focus. Fortunately, it is very easy to add countdown timers into social media. and the instructions are laid out below:
Countdown Timers in Linkedin
Save the timer that you want to use to your computer by right-clicking it and clicking ‘Save image as …’
- At the top of your feed, in the ‘Start a post’ panel, click the photo option
- Navigate to where you saved the timer, select it, click ‘open’, and it will appear in an ‘edit’ window – simply click ‘Done’
- Then type in the text and links you wish to include in the space above the timer image
- Scroll down, and click ‘Post’
Whenever it appears in someone’s feed, the timer will start as soon as it becomes visible.
Countdown Timers in Twitter
Save the timer that you want to use to your computer by right-clicking it and clicking ‘Save image as …’
- At the top of your feed, in the ‘Home’ panel, click the ‘image’ button
- Navigate to where you saved the timer, select it, click ‘open’, and it will appear (but cropped at this point)
- Then type in the text and links you wish to include in the area which currently says ‘What’s happening?’
- And then click ‘Tweet’ – the post will go out with the timer looking normal
Whenever it appears in someone’s feed, the timer will start as soon as it becomes visible.
In Facebook
Save the timer that you want to use to your computer by right-clicking it and clicking ‘Save image as …’
- At the top of your feed, in the ‘Whats on your mind …?’ panel, click the ‘Photo/Video’ button
- Navigate to where you saved the timer, select it, click ‘open’, and it will appear in a panel
- Then type in the text and links you wish to include in the area which currently says ‘What’s on your mind?’
- And then click ‘Post’ – the post will then go to processing before it appears
Whenever it appears in someone’s feed, the timer will start as soon as it becomes visible.

Track your progress to ensure the efficacy of this strategy.