The disabling nature of stress

Burning match metaphor for stress
We need some level of stress in our lives. It is often what motivates and excites us and makes our lives interesting.
But when that level goes too high, the effect can be reversed. Our minds seem to switch from being ‘on our side’ to ‘playing for the opposition’ and everything gets a lot more difficult. And what is worse, we don’t even realise it is happening until it is too late. Then we are down in the detail and drowning.

listening to our bodies for signs of stress

image of stress and time

However, our bodies can usually tell us when the tension is becoming counterproductive well before our minds wake up to the fact.
If only we take the time to listen to them. And simply taking the time to check on our bodies can be a stress reducer in itself. Lifting our minds up out of the detail to a place where they can see what is happening can re-establish a sense of control and choice.
But first we need to get clear in our minds how damaging stress can be to our thinking, and to be able to recognise the signs. In our article: Experimenting with the disabling nature of stress, we give you some practical examples you can try out as a basis for this.

Relevant articles on Stress:

Useful links:

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