Weekly Update – The role of meetings in mental health

Mental health (or rather the lack of it) is receiving a lot of attention currently.

There is a lot going on in the World that is adversely affecting a lot of our more vulnerable members of our society. Increasing levels of change, complexity and insecurity are contributing to greater risk of anxiety and depression. The world we are moving into may be exciting for many of us, but it is potentially a nightmare for others, and the impact of Covid has made things worse.

Over the next few weeks, I would like to look at the role of meetings in mental health. I have always seen my role as making workplaces (physical or virtual) better places for people, and I am feeling an increasing sense that mental health is now a big part of that – potentially for everyone.

If you have any questions, perspectives, or helpful resources concerning this, I would very much value you sending them through to me – curator(at)toolchest.org – and I will do my best to provide food for thought in my blogs.


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