PMI - orb split into three parts with a +, - and ? symbols
PMI stands for Plus Minus and Interesting. It is a simple technique which Edward de Bono developed to help people quickly explore a situation or an idea. It enables them to explore it in a way which compensates for inherently optimistic or pessimistic perspectives.
PMI is a great tool for people to use on an individual basis. But groups can also use it collectively for the same purpose.
It is a timed technique. The idea is that the individual or group spends specific short intervals of time writing down their thoughts. Each interval takes a different perspective. Firstly, they spend two minutes considering all the positives that emerge from the idea or situation. They then spend two minutes writing down all of the corresponding negatives or downsides. Finally they spend one or two minutes writing down interesting considerations; Possibilities which fit neither into the positive or negative category.

Useful PMI Tools

To help you with the timings, we have developed a free instant timer specifically for the purpose. You can open it by clicking the image on the left.
Or you can right-click the image and either copy and paste it into your PowerPoint deck. You can also save it to your computer in this way to upload it into your other meeting tools.
Timed Plus Minus Interesting Virtual Flip Chart ToolIf you are familiar with using Virtual Flipcharts in your online meetings, you can simply click the example on the right to download a timed PMI PowerPoint template for the purpose.
The timings of two minutes work well for groups and people in a virtual environment. However, it can be a struggle in a physical group environment. One solution is for the group to write post-its individually and then stick them up en-masse.
Using the technique helps the group balance, and mitigate, any bias toward optimism or pessimism.
To use the tool in a virtual meeting simply click here or on the image below to open it up into an instant template. Alternatively, you can copy it, blow it up and print it off for a physical meeting. Although, it is very simple and you may find it just as easy to draw it up on a flipchart.
PMI template - blank template with plus, minus and interesting columns
Track your progress to ensure the efficacy of this strategy.