There is a wealth of resources to support online meetings. The functionality of virtual whiteboards makes it easy to prepare meeting spaces in advance. And these can easily include templates for different aspects of the meeting. For example, this general meeting template created by Conceptboard. And also by the instant meeting templates.
Each of the pages relating to the six key attributes of meetings has useful links toward the bottom of the page. One of these is a ‘Flying start whiteboard’ link. These enable you to start with a whiteboard in which the tools are already included. You can simply copy them to your own whiteboard, or use them where you find them. , or …
Other resources to support online meetings to highlight here are:
- Virtual koosh ball and other techniques to advance listening and shared understanding
- Emoticons to capture a sense of the mood of your meeting
- The maturity model to help you set your own aspirations for meeting improvement
- Meeting timers for use within virtual meetings
- Useful icebreakers and questions to engage people
- Tools that mean you may not need an actual meeting
Or simply use the left hand menu to access a wider range of:
- Gathering tools which support assembly
- Shared Purpose tools which support alignment
- Interactive tools which support activity
- Techniques which support attention
- Planning tools which support action
- Review tools which support assessment