The following ground rules are offered as an example for you to adapt or utilise as you wish. For more information, see Guidance on meeting groundrules.
- We will seek to fully understand the other’s point of view before expressing/restating our own
- We will be supportive, considerate and respectful in how we express things – being mindful of our ‘bias’
- We will be honest and (appropriately) ‘authentic’
- We will be supportive of the process, seek progress over perfection and remain engaged at all times
- We will actively value diversity and seek inclusion
- We will be punctual and avoid distractions – if anyone needs a break, we all break together!
- We will seek to provide & learn from feedback
- We will endeavour to enjoy ourselves
Alternatively, if you have adopted the Toolchest’s model of effective meetings, you may find the following helpful:
Track your progress to ensure the efficacy of this strategy.