Problem Restatement

Problem restatement - orb showing a person looking through binoculars
Problem Restatement is a technique for looking at the problem from different perspectives (usually more abstract ones, rather than the stakeholder ones reflected in the Reframing Matrix) and using these to gain insight on what we are actually trying to do.

It is not uncommon for our problem solving to be constrained by invisible boundaries within our thinking (usually referred to as paradigms), and the purpose of problem restatement is to deliberately push our perspective outside of these boundaries so that we can become more aware of their existence and make a conscious decision as to whether they are valid, or whether we want to remove them.
The Problem Restatement iFrame achieves this by asking ‘Why’ is this a problem? And when that is answered, asking ‘And so why is that a problem?’ etcetera – each time taking the team further into an abstract where they can see the problem in context, and reflect on alternatives, that could either solve the problem, or even make it irrelevant.
The following link provides more information on the tool
And this humourous Youtube Video does a brilliant job of illustrating both the tool’s simple power, and its value.
Clicking the instant template below will open it up as a live interactive tool in your browser. Simply copy its URL from the address bar on the page that opens and share it through your meeting chat with your team. They will instantly be able to participate with you by: adding their thoughts via sticky notes; seeing all that’s going on, and moving things around. For more on instant templates, click here.

Track your progress to ensure the efficacy of this strategy.