Six Thinking Hats is a useful tool for taking different perspectives on a situation. It was developed by Edward deBono, and despite its apparent simplicity it has proven a useful device for bringing consensus and insight.
The approach to using the tool is described in some detail in the links below.
We do not believe we are offending the spirit of the original copyright by simply making a template available for people to use this valuable tool in a virtual environment, but if we find that we are, we will need to suspend this page.
The ‘Six Thinking Hats’ is a quick, simple and powerful technique to develop a more comprehensive approach to thinking. It does this by encouraging us to recognize what type of thinking we are using, and to apply different types of thinking to the subject.
We all use different types of thinking, usually without realizing it. For example, if we are feeling pessimistic about the situation, we tend to do all of our thinking from this perspective, and this limits our ability to see all the issues and opportunities.
- The White Hat is cold, neutral and objective. Take time to look at the facts and figures.
- The Red Hat represents emotion (seeing red). Take time to listen to emotions and opinions.
- The Black Hat is gloomy and negative. Take time to look at why this will fail and the potential downsides.
- The Yellow Hat is sunny and positive. Take time to be hopeful and optimistic and look at the upsides.
- The Green Hat is grass, fertile and growing. Take time to be creative and cultivate new ideas.
- The Blue Hat is the color of the sky. Take time to look from a higher and wider perspective to see if you are addressing the right issue.
The following links provide more information on the tool
Clicking the instant template below will open it up as a live interactive tool in your browser. Simply copy its URL from the address bar on the page that opens and share it through your meeting chat with your team. They will instantly be able to participate with you by: adding their thoughts via sticky notes; seeing all that’s going on, and moving things around. For more on instant templates, click here.
Track your progress to ensure the efficacy of this strategy.