Tools map for the management process

Big picture icon - orb showing tools map for the management process
The picture below may seem a little overwhelming at first glance. This is because it is an attempt to represent the whole management process, both strategic and tactical, from requirements through to delivery, and to illustrate some of the teamwork and decision making tools that can be used in support of the different steps in the process.

It is difficult to see all of the detail in the resolution of the picture below, but if you click on it you will be able to see a zoomable large-scale version, courtesy of Tesseract Management Systems Ltd.
The purpose of the diagram is to stimulate people’s thinking on how they might use some of these tools within their own meetings. The different coloured panels within the diagram reflect different areas of business as follows:
Feel free to click on the links above to explore each area some more and pick up some ideas on how you could use the various tools and techniques to engage people in the topic within your meeting.

Track your progress to ensure the efficacy of this strategy.